Second meeting of the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research (Brussels, March 5-7, 2009)

Convened by Associazione Luca Coscioni. Subscribe now the THE FINAL DECLARATION. The second World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research was held at the European Parliament in Brussels from the 5th to the 7th March 2009. Among the speakers there were Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1993; Martin L. Perl, Nobel Prize in Physics

Final declaration of the 2nd meeting (EN, IT)

ENGLISH VERSION We, the undersigned, women and men of science, politicians, citizens met at the headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussels 5-7 March 2009 for the Second meeting of the World Congress for Freedom of Research: We welcome the continuation of the World Congress initiative, started with the Constituent Assembly meeting in October 2004

“Science, dogmas and the state”, an essay by Elena Cattaneo

We hereby attach an essay published by Nature 456, 444-445 (27 November 2008) | doi:10.1038/456444a; Published online 26 November 2008. Elena Cattaneo is a professor in the Department of Pharmacological Sciences, director of the Centre for Stem Cell Research, University of Milan, Italy and member of the Promoting Committee of the World Congress for Freedom

Stem cells: UN debate restarts. Luca Coscioni Association and Radical Party demand all-clear to therapeutic cloning

Marco Cappato (MEP, Secretary-General of Luca Coscioni Association LCA) and Marco Perduca (Senator of the Italian Republic, Vice-president of Nonviolent Radical Party) asked to the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee to approve the technique of nuclear transfer – improperly called “therapeutic cloning�?- but above all to let the scientific research free to discover new treatments. The

Disabilities and ICT. The European Parliament ignores the proposals of Luca Coscioni Association

On September, 24 the European Parliament in its plenary session in Brussels rejected definitively all the amendments that the Luca Coscioni Association had suggested in order to improve the access to telecommunications regarding people with disabilities. None of our proposals has been accepted, after two years of work around the international meeting in Milan –

Luca Coscioni Association chosen to study the effects of religious fundamentalism

Luca Coscioni Association will be granted 3.000 USD by the Canadian AWID – Association for Women’s Rights in Development to develop a case study proposal on effects of religious fundamentalism in Italy. Our case study proposal was chosen as one of only ten others out of 180. As part of this selection we have

Declaration of Helsinki – Proposal of Amendments by Luca Coscioni Association and the World Congress

Last February 2008 the Luca Coscioni Association proposed to amend the Declaration of Helsinki in the framework of the DoH Review Consultation launched by the World Medical Association . The amendments we proposed also in our role of operational secretariat of the World Congress for freedom of scientific research were rejected with no further

The World Congress represented at the World Stem Cell Summit 2008

The Luca Coscioni Association and the World Congress for freedom of scientific research will take active part in the World Stem Cell Summit 2008 to be held Sept. 22-23 in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. The summit is organized among others by the Genetics Policy Institute whose founder and Executive Director Bernard Siegel is an active partner

Conference on euthanasia promoted by the EP and the Transnational Radical Party – The proceedings are now available

A conference titled “Medically assisted dying and euthanasia: a matter of human rights” was held on the 5th of July 2007 at the European Parliament. The event was co-organised by the ELDR Group at the European Parliament and the Transnational Radical Party. The proceedings of the event are now available. More languages on request. Endorse

Amendment of EU Universal Service Directive: Luca Coscioni Association submits position paper to EP and European Commission

The Luca Coscioni Association sent to the EP and to the European Commission a position paper concerning the amendment of the so called “Telecoms package�?, in particular of the Universal Service Directive. The Luca Coscioni Association kindly requested to Hon. Alvaro Alexander (PE, ALDE) and to Mr. Paul Timmers (European Commission, Head of DG Unit