We support AWID Statement on the Arbitrary Detention of Women’s Human Rights Defender Shadi Sadr by Iranian Authorities

Our friend AWID – Association for Women’s Rights in Development http://www.awid.org which awarded 3.000 USD to us to develop a case study proposal on effects of religious fundamentalism in Italy, urges to spread the following Statement on the Arbitrary Detention of Women’s Human Rights Defender Shadi Sadr by Iranian Authorities The Association for Women’s Rights

Italian researchers sue over human embryonic stem cells – The chronology

July 2008: the Ministry of Health nominated a committee of experts to define the issues on stem cell research to be included in its 2008 funding application criteria. 26th February 2009: the Italian Conferenza Stato Regioni [= Assembly for regional affairs] signed the document for the Ministry of Health’s upcoming stem cell research funding. Approved

Support freedom of research in the social sciences

Luca Coscioni Association endorses the following petition by Blogstoria. To sign it please reply to info@freedomofresearch.org “Last May 15, a decree issued by the President of the Russian Federation set up a “Commission for contrasting the attempts of hiNews forgery against Russian interests�?. Last June 23, V. A. Tiškov, “Vice Secretary Academician, Section of Historical

Review on freedom of scientific research in a set of countries

On our request the Library of the European Parliament – DG Presidency kindly conducted a review of the regulatory environment in which researchers and health care professionals operate. This review is a first step towards the full implementation of the Final Declaration, namely “monitoring the state of freedom of research and care in the world,

The newsletter of the World Congress – Issue no. 1

You can download a printable copy or view the newsletter at this link. The newsletter will be sent to a broad selection of University Professors, researchers, patients and advocates worldwide. As of the next issue, we would be pleased to publish any contribution of yours concerning science, related policies as well as comments on any

“For a UN conference on science freedom and education�? by Gilberto Corbellini

The current phase of global economic crisis should be taken as an opportunity for stimulating a cultural debate, at level of international intellectual élites, about the educational factors or variables that have been demonstrated to improve human individual and social capacities to ponder and decide wisely when confronted with challenges that can be addressed with

Luca Coscioni Association supports abortion hotline launch in Chile

We are glad to disseminate the launch of Women on Waves’ initiative since it is very much in line with our aim of creating an international civil society rescue. In Italy Luca Coscioni Association goes on struggling so that pharmaceutical abortion is introduced and normally supplied by the Italian National Health System, like in the

Luca Coscioni Association on NIH Draft Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Last May 26 Luca Coscioni Association submitted on due time its own comments on NIH Guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research in the framework of the open consultation launched by National Institutes of Health for the purpose of reviewing, collating or analyzing the comments in developing final guidelines. We considered appropriate to send our comments

Marco Cappato at the ESTOOLS Public Scientific Symposium – “Stem Cell Science, Ethics & Communications�? in Rome

Marco Cappato took part in the last ESTOOLS Public Scientific Symposium on “Stem Cell Science, Ethics & Communications�? held in Rome last May 27. Marco Cappato was asked to make a commentary and take-home messages of the SESSION 5: Science, law and ethics. On that occasion he launched a transnational campaign for the next European

CHEN – Patient Fertility Association, Israel, a partner of the World Congress, is now on You Tube

CHEN – Patient Fertility Association, Israel, a partner of the World Congress, is now on You Tube