EU stem cell funding in jeopardy?

A handful of nations seek a ban even in countries where the research is legal [The Scientist] Germany, Austria and other nations opposed to EU funding of human embryonic stem cell research proposed an EU funding ban this month in Brussels at a meeting of the EU’s 25 national science ministers, raising concerns that the

EDAB News about the World Congress

The European Dana Alliance for the Brain has published an article about the first meeting of the World Congress for Freedom of Research.

Universal Stem Cell Principles Proposed

Rules Would Guide Research Efforts By Rick Weiss Washington Post Staff Writer Concerned that the world’s patchwork of laws and ethics rules governing human embryonic stem cell research is sowing confusion and stymieing international collaborations, scientists, ethicists and others have mounted a major effort to devise a set of universal principles that would guide the

Luca Coscioni died

Luca Coscioni died Monday morning (20.02.06) of respiratory complications at his home in Orvieto, Italy. Our heart goes out to his wife Maria Antonietta and his family. The civil funeral took place on Wednesday 22 February in his Orvieto. The President of the Italian Republic as well as the Chairmen of the Senate and the

Stem cell obscurantism

by Emma Bonino and Marco Cappato May 2005 [….] Recent breakthroughs [in scientific research] constitute a stunning advance in stem cell research. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, meaning that they have the ability to develop into any type of human tissue. This carries great promise, in particular, for sufferers of spinal cord injuries and diseases.

Breaking new ground on fractures

Scientists at the University of York have launched a research project to develop ways of making bones from blood. Researchers from the University’s Department of Biology are heading the EC-backed project to create bone structures from cord blood stem cells for use in the repair of bone defects and fractures. The three-year, €2.5 million (£1.7

The United Nations and Therapeutic Cloning

On 12 December 2001, with resolution 56/93, the United Nations General Assembly decided to create an ad hoc office to promote the elaboration of a text for an international convention against human cloning, and recommended that the office continue their work the following year as a work group within the Legal Affairs Committee of the

Concept paper 1st meeting (2006)

Introductory text (Concept paper) Freedom from prejudice, abandoning the principle of authority as a strategy for solving controversies and opening up to critical confrontation based on controllable experiences are at the origin of modern science. They made possible cognitive progress and technological innovations for which the western world has moved ahead culturally, economically and politically.

Final programme 1st meeting (2006)

FIRST MEETING OF THE WORLD CONGRESS FOR FREEDOM OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Programme First day (February 16, 2006) – morning Opening Ceremony 1. Marco Cappato (Executive Director of the Luca Coscioni Association), chair 2. Video message on Luca Coscioni 3. Mirella Parachini (Member of the Board of Directors of the Luca Coscioni Association) reading a message

Final Programme of the Founding Session of the World Congress

Founding Session of the World Congress on Freedom of Scientific Research* Rome, 9 and 10 October 2004 Hotel Ergife, Via Aurelia 619 SATURDAY 9 October 10.00 – 10.30 Registration of participants 10.30 – 13.30 INTRODUCTORY SESSION Introducing and chairing the works: Marco Cappato, Secretary of the Luca Coscioni Association Giulio Cossu, Professor of Embryology and