Charles H. Baron: Legal Methodologies for Maximizing Freedom of Scientific Research

Lecturer/Position/Organization: Charles H. Baron/Professor/Boston College Law School Session/Theme: Science and Law Title of the presentation: Legal Methodologies for Maximizing Freedom of Scientific Research In the realm of American law, there may be no more quoted statement from a judicial opinion than that of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis who observed in a 1932 case:

Tiziano Barberi: Impact of open access in biomedical research

Tiziano Barberi (PhD, senior scientist in the laboratory of Stem Cell and Tumor Biology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York) Session: Science, Technology and Economy Round table: Open Access to Science Impact of open access in biomedical research Open access to science comes from one of the initiatives of the Open Society Institute (OSI).

Giulio Cossu: The experience of the Italian referendum on stem cells

Stem Cells and Public Opinion Giulio Cossu (Director, Stem Cell Research Institute Dibit, H. San Raffaele) “The experience of the Italian referendum on stem cells�? It is now approximately one year since a heated and convulse campaign on the referendum started to reach a peak of animosity and verbal violence few days before the selected

Mino Vianello: Le diverse libertà di ricerca

Mino Vianello Facolta’ di Statistica, ” La Sapienza” Descartes Prize E’ naturale, visto il contesto in cui nasce – contesto non solo italiano, anche se in Italia particolarmente scottante dopo l’introduzione d’una legge sulla fecondazione assistita che tocca direttamente il tema della sperimentazione con le cellule staminali embrionali – e’ naturale, dicevo, che quasi implicitamente