Freedom of research in Québec (Canada)

Québec (Canada) was surveyed by the students of Bryant University, RI, USA. Last update: March 2009. Any peer review of data is welcome. A special thanks to Sidney Altman, Sterling Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology; Professor of Chemistry; Member of Yale faculty since 1971 Monitoring freedom of research and cure in QUEBEC (CANADA)

IVF in Poland. World Congress helps the Polish Federation for Women and Family Planning facing Church’s prohibitionism

Last June 30 the Polish Federation for Women and Family Planning held a press conference to challenge Church’s prohibitionism on IVF. An open letter by Luca Coscioni Association and the Nonviolent Radical Party was read on that occasion. According to Luca Coscioni Association the right to health has no national barriers, since it is a

Freedom of research in Italy – Request of support

In concert with professor Elena Cattaneo, Elisabetta Cerbai and Silvia Garagna, Luca Coscioni Association launched an appeal to raise funds aimed at covering part of the legal expenses of the three Italian scientists appealing against the Italian government’s decision to arbitrarily exclude human embryonic stem cells from an 8-million euro fund for stem-cell biology (read