Freedom of research in BRAZIL. Country report and synoptic table

Brazil was surveyed by the students of Bryant University, RI, USA. Last update: March 2009. Little remarks have been added. Any peer review of data is welcome. Monitoring freedom of research and cure in BRAZIL Table of content: A. Artificial reproduction technologies (ART) B. Research with human embryonic stem cells (hESC) C. End-of-life decisions D.

Freedom of research in POLAND. Country report and synoptic table

Poland was surveyed with the help of the Library of the European Parliament – DG Presidency. Last update: December 2008. Little remarks have been added. Any peer review of data is welcome. For an in-depth analysis of IVF in Poland read “Poles apart” by Simon Brown @ ESHRE – European Society on Human Reproduction and

J. HARRIS: “Taking the “human” out of human rights and the “dignity” out of human dignity and putting the science back” (EN, IT)

“Taking the “human” out of human rights and the “dignity” out of human dignity and putting the science back” by John Harris, Bioethics, University of Manchester, United Kingdom* I am delighted to be back, I say back at this congress because I was privileged to participate in the first meeting of this Congress 3 years