The newsletter of the World Congress – Issue no. 1

You can download a printable copy or view the newsletter at this link. The newsletter will be sent to a broad selection of University Professors, researchers, patients and advocates worldwide. As of the next issue, we would be pleased to publish any contribution of yours concerning science, related policies as well as comments on any

“For a UN conference on science freedom and education�? by Gilberto Corbellini

The current phase of global economic crisis should be taken as an opportunity for stimulating a cultural debate, at level of international intellectual élites, about the educational factors or variables that have been demonstrated to improve human individual and social capacities to ponder and decide wisely when confronted with challenges that can be addressed with

Luca Coscioni Association supports abortion hotline launch in Chile

We are glad to disseminate the launch of Women on Waves’ initiative since it is very much in line with our aim of creating an international civil society rescue. In Italy Luca Coscioni Association goes on struggling so that pharmaceutical abortion is introduced and normally supplied by the Italian National Health System, like in the