John Harris: The Obligations of Society to Science

John Harris FMedSci., B.A., D.Phil. Sir David Alliance Professor of Bioethics Institute of Medicine Law and Bioethics, School of Law University of Manchester Session: Science, Society and Politics (part 1) Title: “The Obligations of Society to Science�? My question is: is there a moral obligation to undertake, support and even to participate in serious scientific

Krishna B. Garg: Do Globalisation and Modern Scientific Developments Pose New Challenges for the Society!

Lecturer/Position/Organization: Krishna B. Garg/Professor/University of Rajasthan, Jaipur – 302004, India Session/Theme: Science, Ethics and the Ethics of Scientific Research Title of the presentation: Do Globalisation and Modern Scientific Developments Pose New Challenges for the Society! It is perhaps proper to club science and technology together for the sake of discussion even if their internal scope

Stem cell obscurantism

by Emma Bonino and Marco Cappato May 2005 [….] Recent breakthroughs [in scientific research] constitute a stunning advance in stem cell research. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, meaning that they have the ability to develop into any type of human tissue. This carries great promise, in particular, for sufferers of spinal cord injuries and diseases.