Luca Coscioni died

Luca Coscioni died Monday morning (20.02.06) of respiratory complications at his home in Orvieto, Italy. Our heart goes out to his wife Maria Antonietta and his family. The civil funeral took place on Wednesday 22 February in his Orvieto. The President of the Italian Republic as well as the Chairmen of the Senate and the

Mª Jesús Montero: “Investigación, democracia y libertad: el caso de Andalucía”

Investigación, democracia y libertad: el caso de Andalucía. Mª Jesús Montero, Consejera de Salud. Andalucía. Andalucía es la región española más extensa y poblada, con un volumen de población cercano a los ocho millones de habitantes y una superficie de 87.000 kilómetros cuadrados. Esta dispersión geográfica ha generado que, desde que se le transfiriesen las

Imma Subirats: “Open Acces Archiving”

“To self-archive is to deposit a digital document in a publicly accessible website, preferably an OAI-compliant Eprint Archive. Depositing involves a simple web interface where the depositer copy/pastes in the “metadata” (date, author-name, title, journal-name, etc.) and then attaches the full-text document. Some institutions even offer a proxy self-archiving service, to do the keystrokes on

Antonino Forabosco: “The new “latinorum�? for media against the biomedical science”

Antonino Forabosco Professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy Session: “ Science, ethics, and and ethics of the scientific research�? Round table: “Genetic determinism and eugenics�? Title: “The new “latinorum�? for media against the biomedical science It is now clear that biology, and especially the beginning of a new

Michael Gazzaniga: The Ethical Brain

The Ethical Brain Cognitive Neuroscience has many issues with respect to the current field of neuroethics. Cognitive neuroscience can help with some current ethical dilemmas such as does the embryo have the moral status of a human being? Perhaps most importantly cognitive neuroscience is building an understanding of how brain research will instruct us on

Cesare Galli: Somatic cell nuclear transfer in animals: lessons for the future

Cesare Galli Session: Genetic determinism and eugenics Title: Somatic cell nuclear transfer in animals: lessons for the future Talking about cloning immediately people’s mind goes to think about copying machines and believe that each cloned animal is a photocopy of the original or of its twins clones. Early studies in monozygotic twins already indicated that

Gilberto Corbellini: The scientists’ ethos and the evolution of individual human rights in Western societies

Gilberto Corbellini Professor of History of Medicine, University of Rome To defend the freedom of scientific research today in the world, means to defend personal freedom tout court. Ergo, it means to defend democracy. To promote the scientific education and a scientific culture, which means exporting science, would be by far a more effective and

Piergiorgio Strata: Freedom in the access to science career

Lecturer/Position/Organization: Piergiorgio Strata Professor of Neurophysiology, Rita Levi Montalcini center for brain Repair, Dpt Neuroscience University of Turin, Italy Session/Theme: Science, Technology and Economy Title of the presentation: Freedom in the access to science career Among the many aspects of freedom in research one concerns the lack of free access to a scientific carrier which

Fabio Marazzi: The evolution of intellectual property landscape

Lecturer/Position/Organization: Prof. Fabio Marazzi, University of Bergamo Session/Theme: Science and Law Title of the presentation: The evolution of intellectual property landscape The aim of science is a quest for knowledge, that has to be disseminated, shared, capitalised and Used Intellectual property is the results and outcomes of research: “Intellectual” as it is a creative output;

Bernard Siegel: Building a Global Constituency for Stem Cell Research

Bernard Siegel, Executive Director, Genetics Policy Institute Building a Global Constituency for Stem Cell Research Scientific developments, as well as controversies, in stem cell research and nuclear transfer continue. As researchers demonstrate the potential of regenerative medicine, politicians and international organizations continue to scrutinize this work, and some seek to limit or ban it. This